


Surface Dweller | Ace of Clubs

A young thief with unusual abilities who fell from the sky into the Chicago Underground. He’s a lover, not a fighter. If only someone would let him love them. At least he’s got Annie, his ferret bodyguard.

Pogo is, of course, the lead of Demon of the Underground.  You can find out more about the overall comic here.

Sphere: East

"My mom always used to catch me with my hand in my pants, and she would tell me that I was gonna go to Hell if I kept doing that, and she said that in Hell, I wouldn’t even be allowed to grab my junk. So I asked if I could grab my junk if I went to Heaven, and she said that when you go to Heaven, you become an angel, and angels are good so they don’t grab their junk.

So I said that if I can’t grab my junk in Heaven and I can’t grab my junk in Hell, the only place I can grab my junk is right here, right now! So I did. But she didn’t agree, and she dragged me out of the furniture store really fast."

Pogo - Collage

Pogo was raised by a single mom in Chicago who was convinced his dad was a demon.  He can't quite remember the circumstances that led to him leaving her care, but he spent several of his teen years living alone on the streets, using theft, trickery, and a bit of flirtation to survive.  (He swears he had better luck seducing people on the surface than he does underground.)  Pogo is attracted to just about anyone and everyone who doesn't try to kill him—and even some people who do.

Oh, and he has telekinetic powers.

I've answered some questions about Pogo on tumblr!  Here are a few:

Facial Expressions | Pogo's Q&A Answer | DOTU Dating Simulator

Notable Moments

Members-Only Bonuses (log in to view)


  • Annie
  • Merritt


  • Bardia
  • Gray
  • Troy

It's Complicated

  • Samsid
  • Jordana
  • Littlehands
  • Gia
  • Father Hawkins