Chapter 2, Page 30

Chapter 2, Page 30

And woohoo, this is the end of chapter 2, part 1! Don’t forget, I’m kicking off chapter 2 part 2 with a BONUS PAGE THIS THURSDAY, July 17! Looking forward to seeing you guys then! 😀

In other news, DOTU turned 3 years old last Friday! I was going to put together something special, but I also have another milestone coming in a couple of weeks, so I’ll probably hold off and do something then.

For the past few days, I’ve had the DIY channel on in the background while I worked. I stepped out of the room to clean something, and I was listening to a commercial where I could have sworn some lady was suggesting we viewers “paint our balls to match our manicures.” O_O Turned out she was saying “walls,” which was disappointing, but I actually thought it was even more ridiculous.

ANYWAY… The new Top Webcomics voting incentive is a concept image of the East Sphere tournament arena where Pogo will soon have to fight! It started out as just a standard sort of indoor arena, but then I decided to make it more of a repurposed drainage area to fit the style of the underground. I’m really excited to draw all the tournament scenes now. You can vote and see the image by clicking on the TWC banner below or in the sidebar.