Chapter 2, Page 22

Chapter 2, Page 22

1:32am = time for Merritt to be a downer. Eh, maybe they’ll be a little more upbeat by morning…

It’s been a busy few days. Got some freelance, and also working on trying to build up a bigger buffer for DOTU, among other things. Yesterday, I was taking out the compost, and this lady squirrel showed up out of nowhere and started cussing me out, like barking at me nonstop and taking “threatening” leaps toward me. (It’s hard to be threatening for real when you’re that cute.) I kind of had a feeling she had babies in the tree next to the compost bin. Well, today I looked out the window and saw three adorable squirrel babies hanging out in the tree. So that made my day. 🙂

In other news, for those of you who don’t already watch me on Tumblr, last week I put out a sort of… questionable new print, which you can see in my tumblr feed (( Beware, it’s NSFW. Someday I’ll probably get around to doing some classier illustrations…

This week’s Top Webcomics voting incentive is a sketch of Jordana the daredevil doing the type of thing that she considers “fun.” (This should also shed a little light on how she might have gotten all those scars on her face, haha…) We haven’t seen much of Jordana in part 1 of this chapter, but she’ll be around more in part 2. You can vote using the TWC button below or in the sidebar.