Chapter 2, Page 21

Chapter 2, Page 21

As promised, here’s this week’s bonus page! Pogo’s all 🙁 .

It’s been a bit of a rough few days. Now that everything’s settled down a little since I came back from being sick, I’m at that stage where I have to really look at everything I lost during that year of my life. I made the very big mistake of looking back at some of my old records and reminding myself of how good things were in 2012, and that was quite a downer. But I’m hoping that things will get better, and that I can replace the friends, clients, status, and other things I lost with something new. All I can really say as advice to other people in my shoes is… try not to be sick. -_-

Annoyingly, I discovered that after I filed my copyright claim for book 1 of DOTU in November 2012, the copyright office waited about 4 months to write back to me (while I was sick) with an inane question that was already answered on the forms. Since I couldn’t respond in 20 days, the claim was canceled, and now I have to re-file. It was $35 the first time, and now the price is raised to $55. Aaargh, not cool. ;_;

Also, if anyone is reading this comic via Comic Rocket, beware that Comic Rocket is not crawling my archive correctly. [EDIT: they got back to me today and fixed the problem, so it’s now working just fine. Woohoo!]

But anyway, on to happier stuff. I wasn’t sure whether or not to add a new voting incentive, since I figured that not everyone might have gotten a chance to vote earlier in the week, so I compromised and did a quick color job on Monday’s voting incentive. So now we have a color image of Samsid brushing up on his skills. 🙂