Chapter 2, Page 18

Chapter 2, Page 18

Hi all! It’s been quite a while, but I’m happy to say that I’m back to work on DOTU. I apologize for being away and out of touch for such a terribly long stretch. I’ve only begun to scratch the surface of reading old comments from when I was inactive, but I just want to thank everyone so much for the support, and I want to apologize for worrying you with my silence. I don’t even know how to express how grateful I am for readers like you guys, who have been so supportive and have continued to check back for updates all this time. I also want to give a huge thanks to my friend Chris for helping to keep everyone else updated and just let people know I was alive every now and then. 🙂 I’ve been dealing with some health issues, and for various reasons on a few different levels, I was just unable to give a proper update. But with that in the past, I hope to move forward and get back to the way things used to be.

I’m doing better now, and I’m very excited to be working on the comic again. Updates will resume as normal starting today, with new pages every Monday evening. It may take still more time before I’m active on any social media sites besides the standard comic update announcements. I think my Twitter account might have been hacked while I was out, and I still need to look into that.

As for what’s been going on with me, it’s been up and down, but now is going back up. 🙂 Sad news: the oldest of my adopted ferrets, Dookie, passed away last summer. He was eight years old, which is at the high end for American ferrets. His brothers are still here and doing well. Loki is now 8, and Osito is 6. Both have insulinoma, but considering their advanced age, they’re really hanging in there. The birds are doing well.

Having not been able to work for such a long time, I’m currently depending on ad revenue from the comic to keep the website alive and running. If I can’t pull through on the finances, I have a mirror on Smackjeeves that I may have to fall back on – but hopefully that won’t be necessary. Also, it’ll be a little while before I’ll be able to put any money back into advertising, so I’d be eternally grateful for anyone who can help spread the news that DOTU is back and active again. Next week, I hope to also have a TWC voting incentive in addition to the page update. (P.S. I love next week’s page, hehe.)

I’m sure I’m forgetting twenty million things, but hopefully this will be a good enough start. Anyway, how have all of YOU been?