Chapter 1, Page 58

Chapter 1, Page 58

Pogo appears to have some sort of genius idea. Or does he…?

New TWC voting incentive: another preview of a page from chapter 2, in which Pogo begins to put his wheedling skills to the test. Thank you to everyone for voting! I don’t say thank you enough for that, but I really do appreciate it!

The release of my novel, Art of Death, is exactly two weeks away! So I’m going to be babbling about that a lot in the coming weeks. Of course, I’m super nervous about the release. You can read a bit about my pre-release jitters on my writing blog, or (as I would recommend) you can skip over that part and check out the EXCERPT I posted from the novel:

I’m hoping anyone/everyone will enjoy Art of Death, but anyone who’s been to art school will hopefully find a little extra to appreciate in that excerpt.

On a side note, Ebo is being so annoying! He insists on sitting on my chest with his beak against my lower lip, which would be really cute except he keeps trying to get me to pet him, and I’m busy! Also, he throws a mini tantrum every time I move in a way he doesn’t approve of, or every time he asks me to pet him and I don’t. He’s such a brat.