Chapter 1, Page 50

Chapter 1, Page 50

Woohoo, page 50! Who’s ready for a flashback?

I’m still in insane/busy/panic mode… I’m currently working my way through six book covers. I won’t have any trouble meeting the deadlines for the covers; my concern comes from how much extra time I’ll have left to finish the sequel to Art of Death. I’m just past 40,000 words in, so I estimate I’m a little less than halfway done with the draft. I was hoping to have the full draft done by the end of April, but I may need to dip into May and cut my editing time shorter. 🙁 But on the bright side, so far I’m really happy with the sequel and having a ton of fun!

This week’s voting incentive is an old sketch I did of above ground Chicago at the time of DOTU. So it looks a little different from present day Chicago. Vote on TWC to see the image! 🙂