Chapter 1, Page 44

Chapter 1, Page 44

Whew! I got it done! I’m in my hotel in New York now, and in about 20 minutes I have to go down to the welcome reception for Dreamspinner Press. Getting this page done was quite an adventure! It included waking up at 3am, and then sitting on the floor at the airport with my 6×8 Intuos2 “travel tablet” – which, by the way, is a pain in the butt now that I’m used to my large Intuos4 (which was in my checked baggage; too big to carry on). I’m behind on replying to comments again due to the crazy week, but I read and appreciate every one of them!!!

I’ll probably be online here and there over the weekend (free wifi, woohoo!), but I don’t expect to have too much downtime… I’ll try my best, though!

No new voting incentive for now, because I’m out of time, but I should have it up late in the evening.