Chapter 4, Page 20

Chapter 4, Page 20

An awesome reader recently commented on Patreon wondering what the silhouetted objects on some of the previous pages was. Well, here’s the grand reveal! 😛

I am feeling refreshed after being able to take my first days off of the year last week! :O We also had a lot of new and increased Patreon pledges this past week, so I owe all you guys a big thanks! I announced last week that I’d do two bonus pages (one per month for two months) after hitting 300 patrons and that we were 8 patrons away from 300. Well, payment processing was on 2/1 and there were a lot of declined pledges, so now we’re further away. But thanks to new pledges, if we can get those declined pledges fixed, we’d be only 4 away from 300! So again, huge thanks to anyone who can fix their pledge!

On that note, we’re also getting quite close to the goal of ~3 pages per month, which is also exciting because I’d love to get back to a permanent faster pace!

I’m going to try to crank out some more card portraits for the rest of the month on Patreon too. But I’m also feeling the beginnings of stuffy head/runny nose stuff, so… I’m trying to stop it before it starts, so cross your fingers for me!

Voting for the comic on TopWebcomics is a huge help too! Being on the front page means more visibility for the comic, which brings in new readers and helps the comic grow! You can vote by clicking the TWC button below or in the sidebar. It’s free and fast and easy and anonymous and you don’t even have to sign up for anything, and you can do it once a day.