Chapter 4, Page 03

Chapter 4, Page 03

Woohoo, it’s Eclipse Day! I can’t wait to sear my retinas by staring directly at the sun! 😀 😀 😀

I hope you guys enjoyed last Thursday’s bonus page! I’ve been looking forward to the last three panels on this page for like 7 years, so I’m very excited.

I’ll be working on Patreon rewards this week, so they should go out around the weekend or early next week. This month is an original sketch month too.

This week’s voting incentive is still the sketch of Merritt sharing a glass of Potent. You can vote and see the image by clicking the TWC button below or in the sidebar. And we’ll see how it all turns out when the next chapter of Merritt’s story goes up on Patreon this Thursday. (and in that chapter, we have another scene I’ve been eagerly waiting to share, though technically I already shared it as an excerpt last Christmas… but I’m still excited because now it’ll be official!) And again, thank you all so much for all your voting and sharing last week! It’s always a huge help!