Chapter 3, Page 111

Chapter 3, Page 111

Annie, you’re doing such a good job. ;_;

April’s bonus page is coming this Thursday! So that means the next chapter of Merritt’s story will come out next week. Last Thursday, I also posted a preview of the new website design for patrons. My original goal was to have the design work contracted this month, but since I ended up realizing that it was best to do it myself, we’re kind of ahead of schedule now. ^_^ I still have to do some cleanup on the design, and I need to design the new landing page, but I expect that to be done by the end of the month along with making an HTML/CSS template. Hopefully in May, I can contract someone to help with the actual moving of pages.

Speaking of which, I’m still looking for someone who’s good with WordPress and databases to help with moving my old comic pages/author comments/Disqus comments to the new site format. (as in, someone with professional experience whom I will pay.) If you know someone like that or are someone like that, send me an email – bob @

The “trinity of power” minicomic is still up as the voting incentive. You can vote and see the image by clicking the TWC button below or in the sidebar.